Cemeteries of Holyoke

There are many cemeteries in Holyoke, Chicopee and South Hadley that are strongly connected with the history of Holyoke. I have given indoor presentations on the history of burial grounds in South Hadley and Holyoke. If you are a genealogist that might have an ancestor buried in Holyoke or South Hadley, then this Burial Grounds of Holyoke key might help you locate the burial site.

1 – Elmwood Cemetery

2 – Saint Jerome Cemetery

3 – Forestdale Cemetery

4 – Smith’s Ferry Cemetery

5 – Calvary Cemetery

6 – Rock Valley Cemetery

7 – Notre Dame Cemetery

8 – Mater Dolorosa Cemetery

9 – Forestdale West Cemetery

10 – Precious Blood Cemetery

11 – Sons of Zion Cemetery

12 – Mont Marie Cemetery

13 – Calvary Cemetery of the Sisters of Providence

14 – Saint Jerome Churchyard

15 – Saint Rose Cemetery

16 – Rodphey Sholom Cemetery

defunct cemeteries of Holyoke

Congregational Cemetery of Holyoke

see stops 1, 4, and 8 at the Forestdale Cemetery LINK – The cemetery was moved in 1888 mostly into Forestdale.

Precious Blood Churchyard

see stop 2 at this Precious Blood Cemetery LINK

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Churchyard

see stop 1 at this Calvary Cemetery LINK

Depot Hill

Depot Hill Native American Burial Grounds

There exist an excellent resource at the Springfield History Museum called “Cemeteries of Ireland Parish before 1850.” by Loomis and Fox (typescript by Canany)

In the city there were also headstone dealers.

Vermont Marble Works was at 322 Main Street.