Special Topics in Holyoke

Each year I select a new topic and start a new series of tours going on that topic. I continue the other topics going as well. By year the special topics are list below. Clicking on their links lead to a page with explanations of each one.

2015genealogieslinkof Holyoke families
2016Holyoke Canallink
2017churcheslinkand their neighborhoods
2022Olmsted parkslinkin Holyoke
2023sesquicentennial of Holyokelink
2025Precious Blood Church
and 250th anniversary of the American Revolution
campus history
2026250th anniversary of the USAlink

Other Topics and Presentations

Neighborhoods of Holyoke

Pioneer Valley Cemeteries


Community Preservation Act (in Holyoke)

Trails of Holyoke

movie theaters

Holyoke through Time series

Paper Making, Dandy Rolls, and Paper Mills

Mill Owners’ Homes

Architects of Holyoke

Railroad Transportation in Holyoke

Bridges of Holyoke

Holyoke Gas and Electric

Holyoke Fire Stations

nuns of Holyoke

Postal History of Holyoke

funeral homes of Holyoke

Schools of Holyoke

hospitals of Holyoke

conservation land of Holyoke

Brooks of Holyoke

The Shoreline of Holyoke along the Connecticut River

photographers in Holyoke

murals of Holyoke

Works Progress Administration projects in Holyoke

Wars that Holyoke has Fought in

Livery Stables in Holyoke

Printers in Holyoke

Florists in Holyoke

Urban Renewal in Ward 4 in Holyoke Massachusetts

Rural Locations around Holyoke

Mayors of Holyoke

Holyoke Women’s Club

Other Communities