Holyoke 150th Commemorative Book
(The city is hosting events and also any outside events can promote their event with a 150th logo. See exploreholyoke.com)
Volleyball Time Capsule from 2023 to be opened in 2073
150th anniversary in 2023 – sesquicentennial
- City of Holyoke
- Ashley Reservoir
- Sisters of Providence (their arrival in Holyoke)
- Providence Hospital
- Precious Blood Cemetery (in South Hadley but belonged to the church in Holyoke)
- Newton Paper Company
- Excelsior Paper Mill
- Farr Alpaca
- Massasoit
175th anniversary in 2023
125th anniversary in 2023
- Mount Tom Golf Course (now Wyckoff)
- Ranger Park (location of Kennedy Memorial)
100th anniversary in 2023
Past celebrations of Holyoke’s anniversaries:
25th year in 1898
50th year – Semi-Centennial in 1923
75th year in 1948
100th year in 1973
there was no 125th year celebration
the 200th year anniversary is in 2073