The Empire Theater (at 419-433 High Street) lasted from 2 November 1893 to 22 April 1915 when a very large fire destroyed it. A summer theater was across the street from the Empire. The Don Caesar de Bazan was the first production ever at the Empire.
It did theater and then burlesque but by the end was a nickelodeon. In the photo the Empire is the ornate building in the middle and the Grand is two buildings to the right.

Sanborn map analysis:
Sanborn 1884 map shows all is empty
Sanborn 1889 map shows an empty lot
Sanborn 1895 map – design is visible – curved look to the upper seating area
Sanborn 1915 map – ruins of fire
Sanborn 1949 map – 2 floor building with stores on ground level and a hall on the 2nd floor
Sanborn 1956 map – 2 floor building with stores on ground level and a hall on the 2nd floor