West Cemetery

West Cemetery is on Leverett Road in Shutesbury near Montague Road. This cemetery is from 1793. There are older gravestones in this cemetery that were moved here from an ancient burial ground within the town. They date from 1750s to 1800s and were moved in 1938. This ancient cemetery was on Cooleyville Road and was just in back of the present town hall.

Sarah Ann Dickinson Adams

The Hearse House is from 1840. The West Cemetery Tomb is across the street.

The Luther Henry Tomb Yard abuts the cemetery. The town took over the yard in 1954. Burials started there in 1820. The Luther Henry Tomb is from 1839. The west half of the cemetery is for the Luther Henry family and the east half for the Samuel Henry family.

Harvey Robins Atkins – died in the Spanish American War

Luther Henry

Samuel Henry

Gideon Stetson

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