Lower Mill Pond

Park in Millside Park.

Lower Mill Pond is a reservoir in Easthampton that has old mills and workers’ homes along it. The Williston Mill is still there but has added to it the Hampton Mills. Along the western edge of Lower Mill Pond is the former West Boylston Mills. The first workers’ homes New City are bounded by Emerald Place, Ferry Street, and Parsons Street. The second workers’ homes Hampton Terrace are off Pleasant Street between the Pleasant Green and Terrace View. The third workers’ homes Everett Street Village are on Everett Street and Grant Street.

stop 0 – Lower Mill Pond

stop 1 – Back of the West Boylston Mills

11902Advertising Corp of America
31901Paragon Rubber / American Character Doll
41907mostly Lesnow
61916Stanley Home Products

stop 2 – Front of the West Boylston Mills

stop 3 – Hampton Terrace and Pleasant Green

Most of these homes are from 1920.

Ridgewood Terrace1922
Pleasant Green East1920
Pleasant Green West1920
 Hampton Terrace1865 and 1903
Arlington Street1909
Berkeley Street1909 and 1910
Pleasant Street1865 and 1920
Terrace View1922

stop 4 – Williston Mill


stop 5 – Hampton Mills

stop 6 – Lower Mill Pond Dam and the Broad Brook

The Broad Brook is dammed at this location. Thus Lower Mill Pond is a reservoir. After the power system was changed, the water is diverted into the tunnel to the right and meets the powerhouse there. In the 1800s the tunnel was far to the left and went under the Williston Mills.

stop 7 – New City

old homes on Ferry Street

The oldest homes are 1860s and are located on Ferry, Emerald, and Lincoln. When West Boylston arrived they made more in 1903 – on Harrison and Oakdale. Later in 1920 more were made – on Dartmouth, Exeter, Federal, and Clinton.

This schoolhouse started in 1902 as the Hampton Mills School but in 1908 became the
Parsons Street School. It was doubled in size in 1913.

Parsons Street Schoolhouse 1902
Emerald Place1865
Harrison Avenue1903
Lincoln Street1865
Ferry Street1865
Oakdale Street1903
Dartmouth Street1917
Exeter Street1917
Federal Street1917
Clinton Street1917

stop 8 – Everett Street Village

This Everett Street area was constructed in 1917 to 1918 as homes for mill workers.

1884 to 1902all nothing
1910nothingnothingnothingNew City
1916WB MillsWB MillsFerry St MillsNew City

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