Fenton and Dunn

The carriage at Wistariahurst is a Fenton and Dunn one. LINK
Run by JJ Fenton and MJ Dunn. HISTORY
The Wagner Spring Bed Manufacturers move into this location. Carriages and wagons are not as useful in the automobile.
At some point it turns into a furniture warehouse site.
Sanborn map analysis:
Sanborn 1884 map – building is small compared to what it would become with blacksmith, paint room, lumber yard, and more
Sanborn 1889 map – has been built up with brick facade on half the structure, more lumber storage
Sanborn 1895 map – more wagon sheds have been added across the street
Sanborn 1915 map – now Wagner Spring Bed Manufacturers
Sanborn 1949 map – furniture warehouse
Sanborn 1956 map – furniture warehouse