East Street Cemetery

The East Street Cemetery is named as such due to the fact that East Street was the nearest street when the cemetery started. The land of the cemetery was donated by Eliakim Clark (FINDAGRAVE). CORBIN DATA

1870 Beers

East Street Cemetery

“Gateway and Fence Erected by Jerome A and Margaret M Lyman

In Memory of Elijah Austin Lyman and Sophronia P Lyman 1935″

Sophronia at FINDAGRAVE and Elijah at FINDAGRAVE

Jerome at FINDAGRAVE and Margaret at FINDAGRAVE

If you read through the death dates, you get the sense that all theses people were dead before 1935. Correct but the money that was donated was in the will of the last one Margaret.

Samuel Janes

Samuel Janes is buried within the cemetery but has an extra memorial stone outside the cemetery.

First Burial

Parsons Janes is the first burial within this cemetery and does have a gravestone here. FINDAGRAVE He is the son of Jonathan Janes.

Solomon Ferry

FINDAGRAVE – you can see the footstone behind the headstone

Eliakim Clark Gravestone

Eliakim Clark donated the land for this cemetery.


Luthar Clark Family Tomb


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