
Cummington was settled in 1762 and was incorporated in 1779. WIKIPEDIA

Cummington Fair – since 1869 – external LINK

West Cummington First House Marker 1900 on route 9

Historical Society – LINK external

William Cullen Bryant Homestead – 205 Bryant Rd 1789 Colonial

Bryant Free Library – LINK external

1871 Beers

Canals in Cummington village of Swift River

Crosby Mill Canal – wood turning shop from N B Crosby – on the North Branch of the Swift River – in village of Swift River in eastern Cummington – wing dam is NW of the mill

Guilford Mill Canal – saw, planing, turning, and penholder mill from W H Guilford – canal is just north of the juncture of the North Branch of the Swift River and the Swift River itself and connects those two waterways

Lovell Mill Canal – J Lovell Plane Factory – full dam across the Swift River

1871 Beers

Canals in Cummington village of West Village – later called Paper Mill Village

Brown Paper Mill Canal – L L Brown Paper Mill – dams the Westfield River and uses that water – would be the Holliston Paper Company – ledger and bond paper

Elder Mill Canal – H S Elder Bedstead Factory Sawmill – lumber and shingles

Harlow Mill Canal – Charles Newell Harlow Sawmill and Turning – FINDAGRAVE – dam across the river

Canals in Cummington – village in town center

Bradley Canal – Bradley Brothers Turning Shop – saw mill, towel racks, and penholders and carriage shop – canal from Westfield River – H F Bradley and Z H Bradley

Bruce Canal – E B Bruce Saw and Shingle –

Stevens Canal – N S Stevens Penholder Factory – also marking and brush handles

Orcutt Canal – L J Orcutt

Canals in Cummington – other places

Shaw Canal – L Shaw and Brothers – reservoir on the Shaw Brook – ran a tannery

Crosby Reservoir Canal – N B Crosby – canal and dam at the southern tip of the reservoir – unknown venture

Torrey Brothers and also Sawmill on a tiny brook but no canal

woolen yard mill and another sawmill on the Westfield River but no canal


Village Congregational Church 1838 – 32 Main Street in Cummington

Cummington Baptist Church 1894 – 17 Main St – first church from 1823 burned

West Cummington Congregational Church – Church Street – 1839

Universalist Church – 27 West Main St 1847


CORBIN transcripts of Cummington cemetery data

Bryant Cemetery – John Warner is oldest burial at 1776 – Trow Road

Cobb Cemetery – Porter Hill Road

Dawes Cemetery – Potash Hill Road

Gurney Cemetery – Mount Road

Harlow Cemetery – Harlow Road

Shaw Cemetery – private land

Streeter Cemetery – Stage Road

Village Cemetery – Main Street 1823

West Cummington Cemetery – Walker Road – Rev John Bicknell

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