The Connor Brothers Woolen and Shoddy Mill are the makers of cassimeres, overcoating, cloakings, wool shoddies, flocks, extracts, wool waste, gig, and shear flocks.

They had two locations in Holyoke. One at the crossing of the Second and Third Levels and then at the First near the Skinner Mill. While there they were called Connor Brothers Satinette.

The A T Stewart Mill is from 1864. It would be run as the New York Mill until the early 1880s. The Connor Brothers would operate this until a 1901 bankruptcy.

1892 ad
Gig here means to raise the nap on fabric. Gig has many other meanings.
See also New York Woolen.
Sanborn map analysis:
Sanborn 1915 map – taken down and replaced by Farr Alpaca Weave Shed – Read about the Farr Alpaca HERE