The Day Family of Holyoke in the Revolutionary War

The Day Family of Holyoke in the Revolutionary War

Six member of the Day family were involved in the Revolutionary War – Joseph, Joel, Joel Jr, Jedediah, Ely, and Edward.

Joelfather of the five sons here listed
Joel Jr

Jedediah Day

from Sarah E Rusk 1980 A Record of Revolutionary War Patriots and their Wives Buried in Holyoke

Joel Day Sr

from Sarah E Rusk 1980 A Record of Revolutionary War Patriots and their Wives Buried in Holyoke

Edward Day

from Sarah E Rusk 1980 A Record of Revolutionary War Patriots and their Wives Buried in Holyoke

Joel Day Jr

from Sarah E Rusk 1980 A Record of Revolutionary War Patriots and their Wives Buried in Holyoke

Joseph Day

from Sarah E Rusk 1980 A Record of Revolutionary War Patriots and their Wives Buried in Holyoke

Ely Day

from Sarah E Rusk 1980 A Record of Revolutionary War Patriots and their Wives Buried in Holyoke

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