Highlights on the remainder of High Street

Highlights on the remainder of High Street.

Gingras’ Block at 45 to 49 High Street

Doyle’s Block at 50 to 52 High Street

Frank Octo was at 63 to 75 High Street. He sold parlor stoves.

Corde’s Building at 83 to 85 High Street

1883 ad

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Sanborn 1895 map for Octo Block


435 to 439 High Street was a block called the O’Neil Block. It is where the Cuban Market is now and is a good starting point. This was a three story building. This was the Red Men’s Hall for the Improved Order of the Red Men. In 1900, there were a multitude of other fraternal groups that used this building. One such group was the Catholic Order of the Foresters.

Coughlin’s Block at 401 High Street

Sullivan and Wesely at 488 to 494 High

Shea’s Block at 515 and 518 High

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In 1900 also the Caledonia Benefit Club meets here. Likewise, the Ladies’ Catholic Benevolent Society.

Sanborn map analysis:

Sanborn 1884 map

Sanborn 1895 map

Sanborn 1915 map shows it as a 4 floor building with store fronts

map B

Sanborn 1949 map

Sanborn 1956 map

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