Mary Doyle’s Birth Place

7 Thorpe Avenue is the birth place of Mary Doyle. She lived there in her younger years. Until about 1915 this was the location of a wooden home but was replaced by this apartment complex. The Doyle family lived here for a few years then moved around the Highlands neighborhood.

Doyle residencesLINK

Sanborn map analysis:

Sanborn 1895 map shows an empty lot

Sanborn 1915 map shows the large brick building at 7 Thorpe

genealogy of the Doyle family:

Mary DoyleselfFindagrave
Edward DoylefatherFindagrave
Mary SullivanmotherFindagrave
John Joseph Sullivanmaternal grandfatherFindagrave
Johanna Sheehanmaternal grandmotherFindagrave

Edward Doyle her father was a wool sorter at the Farr Alpaca Mill.

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In the 1920 census the Doyle family is at 7 Thorpe Avenue.

In the 1930 census the Doyle family is at 9 Clinton Street.

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